Cinnamon Sour Cream Biscuits

These actually have more the consistency of muffins, but they are wonderful, regardless!  I make them for me and our grandsons with raisins, but substitute chocolate chips for the raisins for my husband.

Cinnamon Sour Cream Biscuits
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Servings Prep Time
6 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
Cinnamon Sour Cream Biscuits
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Servings Prep Time
6 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. If you are using a baking stone, place that in the oven. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
  2. In large mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda. Cut in butter. You can make up a large batch and store it at this point, in the freezer or refrigerator.
  3. Add sour cream, milk and raisins or chocolate chips, stirring just until combined.
  4. If you are not using a baking stone, line the cookie sheet with parchment paper. Scoop out onto baking sheet (I use a 2 oz. scoop). Bake for 12 minutes. Cool slightly, then drizzle with glaze.
  5. This will make 11-12 mini muffins. Just use a 1 oz. scoop and bake in the mini muffin maker for 5 minutes.
Recipe Notes

The biscuit ingredients before adding the milk, sour cream, and raisins or chocolate chips measures 1 3/4 cups and weighs about 236 grams, so if you want to, you can mix up a big batch of the flour mixture, store in the refrigerator or freezer, then measure out just what you need and continue with the recipe.

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Apple Crisp for 120 people

I am actually not sure about the baking time for this dish.  The original recipe made 6 servings and baked for 40 minutes.  I never wrote down what the cooking time was for the larger batch.  So just keep an eye on it and let me know if you make it how long it took.

Apple Crisp for 120 people
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120 servings
Cook Time
40-60 minutes
120 servings
Cook Time
40-60 minutes
Apple Crisp for 120 people
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120 servings
Cook Time
40-60 minutes
120 servings
Cook Time
40-60 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Combine oats, brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, and salt in mixing bowl. Cut in butter until crumbly (should be the size of coarse crumbs).
  2. Peel apples. Half, core and slice fruit. Place in bottom of pans. Sprinkle oat topping over the fruit.
  3. Bake in 350 degree oven about 40-60 minutes or until apples are tender. Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream.
Recipe Notes

Peach Crisp:  Substitute 2 1/2 lb. peaches (about 10 medium) for the apples.

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Chocolate Almond Granola

This is not at all sweet, but my husband loves it!  Of course, if you prefer it sweeter, add more brown sugar or honey!

Chocolate Almond Granola
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Servings Prep Time
8 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Chocolate Almond Granola
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Servings Prep Time
8 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper. Set aside. Combine all dry ingredients in large bowl. Combine liquid ingredients and add to dry ingredients. Stir to mix. Spread onto parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes, then stir. Return to oven and bake for another 10 minutes without stirring. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely. Break into large clusters. Store in covered container at room temperature.
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Molasses Crinkles

Molasses Crinkles
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Servings Prep Time
4 dozen 10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10-12 minutes 1 hour
Servings Prep Time
4 dozen 10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10-12 minutes 1 hour
Molasses Crinkles
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Servings Prep Time
4 dozen 10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10-12 minutes 1 hour
Servings Prep Time
4 dozen 10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10-12 minutes 1 hour
Servings: dozen
  1. Mix butter, brown sugar, egg and molasses together thoroughly. Stir together remaining ingredients, then stir into butter mixture. Chill dough. Using small cookie scoop, roll into balls. Dip top in sugar. Place sugar side up on greased cookie sheet, 3" apart. Sprinkle each cookie with 2-3 drops of water. Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes, until set, but not hard.
Recipe Notes

Although spelt is actually a type of wheat flour, most people with wheat allergies can digest spelt flour with no problem.  Obviously, you should not eat spelt if it is a problem for you.

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A healthy way to start your day.  This is made from whole grain oats.  Suggested toppings:  brown sugar, cinnamon, chopped nuts, raisins, preserves, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, dried cranberries or cherries, yogurt, granola, chocolate chips, honey, or syrup

My preference is honey and granola (; my husband likes brown sugar.

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Servings Prep Time
2 servings 2 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 servings 2 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
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Servings Prep Time
2 servings 2 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 servings 2 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Put all ingredients into an uncovered saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook 3 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Cover; remove from heat. Let stand 2 minutes or until desired consistency.
Recipe Notes

Each serving (without additional toppings) contains 190 calories, 4 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 360 mg sodium, 5 mg potassium, 35 g carbs, 6 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 6 g protein

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Skillet Cinnamon Toasted Almonds

This is a stove top recipe for cinnamon toasted almonds that is not too sweet, but is addictive!

Cinnamon Toasted Almonds
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Servings Prep Time
8 cups 5 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 cups 5 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Cinnamon Toasted Almonds
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Servings Prep Time
8 cups 5 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
8 cups 5 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings: cups
  1. In a large, heavy bottomed skillet, place all ingredients. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar has dried on the almonds and it has a furry looking appearance. Pour onto a large sheet pan and let cool.
Recipe Notes

This also works well with pecans.

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