Sour Cream Dip

This recipe came from my brother-in-law’s sister, Monica.  This is super quick and easy!  I took it to a family get-together yesterday and it was very popular!  Serve this with tortilla chips.

Sour Cream Dip
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Servings Prep Time
12 servings 15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
12 servings 15 minutes
Sour Cream Dip
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Servings Prep Time
12 servings 15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
12 servings 15 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Layer ingredients in 9x13" glass dish, beginning with sour cream and cream cheese mixture and ending with olives. Serve with tortilla chips.
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Veggie Omelette

This is chock full of nutrition!  Lots of yummy vegetables wrapped in eggs, and topped with salsa, cheese and cilantro!  It’s a great way to start your day!  Of course, as always, you can swap out any ingredients you like, or leave out things you don’t like.

Veggie Omelette
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Veggie Omelette
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  1. Heat small cast iron skillet over medium-medium high heat. Add 1/2 T. avocado oil. Saute onions and spinach until spinach is starting to wilt, stirring often. Add peppers and tomatoes. Cook for a few minutes. Stir until peppers and tomatoes are cooked as desired. Remove items from pan to a bowl.
  2. Reduce heat to medium. Beat eggs with cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add another 1/2 T. avocado oil to hot skillet. Add eggs to skillet. As eggs begin to set up around the edges, tilt the pan and lift that portion of the egg with spatula, so that the uncooked egg runs down underneath the cooked egg. Continue moving around the skillet in this way until egg is done.
  3. Add veggies to one side of the omelette.
  4. Tilt skillet and guide gently onto a serving plate. Top with salsa, shredded cheese and cilantro, or your choice of toppings.
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Deluxe Scrambled Eggs

This is another recipe that my husband came up with.  Creamy eggs filled with cooked bacon, onion, sweet peppers, jalapeno peppers, and topped with cheese.  I usually cook up double the meat and veggies, then reserve half of it for a later time to make a quick weekday breakfast.

Deluxe Scrambled Eggs
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Servings Prep Time
2 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Deluxe Scrambled Eggs
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Servings Prep Time
2 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Heat skillet and begin cooking bacon in skillet.
  2. While that is cooking, finely dice onion, sweet pepper and jalapeno pepper. When bacon is cooked, add the diced veggies and cook, without draining bacon grease.
  3. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs with heavy cream and season with salt and pepper. When veggies are nearly cooked, add spinach and cherry tomatoes to the skillet. Cook until spinach is wilted.
  4. Pour eggs over the top of the veggies and stir. Cook, stirring occasionally, until eggs are nearly set up. Remove from heat. We like to eat these topped with shredded cheese and sometimes salsa.
Recipe Notes

Each serving, with 1/2 oz. cheddar cheese, contains:  424 calories, 31 g fat, 439 mg cholesterol, 523 mg sodium, 546 mg potassium, 14 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 22 g protein, 73% vitamin A, 147% vitamin c, 21% calcium, 15% iron

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Taco Omelette

This is a good way to use up your leftover taco meat. This is the recipe I use.  Make sure that if you want gluten-free or soy-free to check the labels carefully before buying any taco seasoning in the store.

Taco Omelette
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Servings Prep Time
1 serving 5 minutes
Cook Time
5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 serving 5 minutes
Cook Time
5 minutes
Taco Omelette
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Servings Prep Time
1 serving 5 minutes
Cook Time
5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 serving 5 minutes
Cook Time
5 minutes
Suggested Garnishes
Servings: serving
  1. Heat small skillet and add 1/2 T. butter. While that is heating, beat 2 eggs with heavy cream and salt & pepper. When pan is heated, add egg mixture. When omelette edges start to set up, lift edge with spatula while tipping pan so raw egg goes underneath. Continue going around the pan, lifting and tipping, until eggs are cooked through. Sprinkle some shredded cheese and taco meat on one side of cooked eggs. Fold edge without toppings over and carefully slide out of skillet onto serving dish. Garnish as desired.
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